Below you find the services we provide
We consider ourselves as a center of competence development. Our mission is to increase your competence within the areas, where we, with our personnel have competence, and where use of material from VDA QMC can assist you in your development and improvements. Depending on you needs and how fast it has to be done, it may be done in several different ways.
- Internal (tailored) trainings
- Open trainings
- Consultancy
- Audits
Internal trainings

Internal trainings may be very cost effective for several participants from the same company.
Open trainings

Open trainings can provide more value-adding throuh synergy effects from other participants.

Effectively performed, consultancy can lift you to a higher level.

A well performed audit can provide proposals and inputs to improvements which contributes to competence increases.
An audit may also lead to an increase in your competence. Audits involve a critical review of a process or phenomenon in your business. By following a process audit with one of our experienced auditors, we can convey our expertise. Combined with internal/external training and consultancy efforts where we, for example, complement your management system, you can get “higher effect”. We know auditing.