
New version of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, FMEA

Since the end of 2017, the VDA QMC in Germany has had a collaborative project with the corresponding organization in the US ( AIAG ) regarding the development of a new modified version of the automotive industry’s manual for work on fault effect analysis, FMEA. Our plans for deliveries of literature and education for this new (completely elaborate) method are as follows:

  1. Delivery book in English from July 2019
  2. Delivery of translation to Swedish from November 2019
  3. Implementation of courses in Swedish for December 2019 / January 2020.

We await information from vehicle industry representatives regarding transition rules from the current standard from AIAG (FMEA utg 4). You can find summary information via this “Product sheet” .


NEW 19-06-09: The process for producing translation into Swedish has begun and we will undergo official training in the new method during the summer.

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